Thursday, August 2, 2007

Angies List Tips: Burglary Prevention

Angies List Tips: Burglary Prevention
A recent Angies List poll revealed nearly half of all AngiesList member respondents have a home alarm system, but over a quarter don’t use it.

While there’s no such thing as a completely burglar-proof home, there are some easy ways homeowners can better protect themselves.

Angie’s List Tips:
Hold the mail: Mail falling out of the mailbox is one of the biggest indicators that you’re not at home. You can have the post office hold your mail. You can also call your newspaper company and have them stop delivery for a few days, or consider having a neighbor you trust pick up your mail for you.
Think like a burglar. Take a walk around your property with a close friend or neighbor who is not too familiar with your house; they may spot things you’ll overlook. Start outside and identify the best locations for a break in.
Lights on: Buy a timer so that lights inside your house can be turned on automatically at night so that it appears someone is inside your home.
Don’t close all your drapes: Drapes that are closed shut during the daytime are a sure sign to potential burglars that you’re not home. It also allows them to move around your home unseen after they enter.
Alarm your company: If you have a home alarm, tell the company you will be away. Provide a phone number where you can be reached.
Turn your telephone ringer down or off: A burglar is less likely to hear the ringing that someone is not home. Also, don’t leave an outgoing message saying you’re on vacation.
Ask for help: A trusty neighbor can make your home look occupied by parking in your driveway. Leave them an extra key and the number where they can reach you. If you’ll be gone for more than two weeks, ask your neighbor or hire a lawn service to mow your yard or consider hiring a house sitter.
Hire help: Consider hiring a house sitter who will make it seem that your house is still occupied.
Lock your garage & shed: These areas typically contain tools and ladders that can be used to break into your home.
Secure all entryways: Make sure all doors, windows, and pet entrances are locked.
Lock up valuables: Transfer valuables to a safe deposit box.
Check Angie's list for alarm companies and house sitters in your area.

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